My favorite Food
I got tagged from KIMIKO she wants to know what is my favorite is?
Well I wanna to tell you I got a lot of favorite food here like sushi, laksa penang, chocolate, roast meat, keropok lekor, roti canai, kebab, yinyung,
all these make me crazy..........
but 1 food can make me more crazy
i design this food by my self.
this is i will gerenti you will never forget the taste.
this is the picture....
it make from chili, garlic, shallots and ginger if you like.
moreover if you had budu or cencaluk you can add in to....
but i always put soy sauce oh yeah i forgot to tell you add some calamari .
plus if you like you can add some fish fillet too but it must mash it 1st
i always eat with some ulam-ulamam like
ulam raja
daun kadok
daun selasih
daun sambung nyawa
and lettuce
aitelyou once you eat this you can nearly eat 1/2 pot of rice........
it is super appetizer........
ok la that all
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Proposition: What is your favorite food in your state or country? Requirements: Find some info about the food and show delicious pictures of it. Quantity: FIVE PEOPLE. Tag Mode: You leave their blog and post link and add to the list below.
Previous tagged bloggersPeimunLeah loves Hakka Lei Cha
Karen loves Pan Mee
Something about Lai loves Crispy duck skin from China
Simple American loves Cheese Enchiladas
Nicole Tan loves Char Tau Kueh
Velverse loves Otak-otak
Kenny Ng loves Jawa Mee
Fatty Poh loves Nasi Dagang Kelantan
wmw loves Kuih Tutu
Jason loves Ais Kacang
Ipohchai loves Crab
Kimiko loves BBQ Pork Ribs
natashea loves sushi
and me
you know la
wait a minute i feel something is wrong???? but what is it?
oh my goddess!

i forgot to do rabbit tag!!!!!!!!!!!!
just 1/2 way to go..........

please rabbit give me little more time...
later i belanja se-te-reo-bellies ok?
Yumm yumm!!!
Kaka! I thought what happened tim. You slowly take ur time ler. No hurry. =P By the way, I have just done ur tag! Do i still owe u any?
What about those petai, jering? not in your list geh? U don't eat is it?
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